What Are The Different Types Of Property Survey?
Posted in Surveyors Slough by Spencer Lion on 10th December, 2014
Spencer Lion are experienced surveyors in Slough & Windsor, providing structural surveys, building surveys & party wall matters.
The Various Types Of Property Surveys
A valuation report or mortgage valuation is undertaken by a lender’s surveyor and is often confused with a survey. The majority of mortgage valuations consist of a limited inspection (often less than thirty minutes) and will only give some very general advice.
The sole purpose of the valuation inspection is to ensure that the loan can be recovered by selling the property if required. It is not a report on the condition of the property. The valuer is not required to carry out a building survey and most mortgage valuers do not have the experience to undertake one themselves.
It is surprising that many buyers solely rely on this when purchasing what is invariably their most expensive asset. If you are in the process of buying a property there are two main types of residential surveys, the Homebuyer Report and Full Building Survey. Both of these can be carried out by surveyors in slough or wherever is closest to you.
Homebuyer Report
This is a pro-forma report on the condition of the property together with a valuation. It is suitable for small modern houses and flats which have not been extended, altered or converted. Spencer Lion do not undertake these forms of survey as we prefer to specialise in more detailed Full Building Survey reports.
Building Surveys
Formerly known as a structural survey, this is the industry standard report. It is suitable for all residential property from houses to flats and all types of commercial property. It is particular suitable for older properties or those that have been converted or extended or suffered structural damage.
The report can be tailored to meet a specific client’s needs, for instance future adaptation or extension. It is also suitable for leasehold accommodation such as flats and offices where there will be a contribution towards the costs for repair and maintenance of the whole building.
The survey will determine how well the property is built, whether extensive repair is needed and can even advise on future maintenance. It is often used for negotiation where defects are found or in worst case will prevent a disastrous purchase.
Experienced Surveyors In Slough & Windsor
Spencer Lion is one of the leading building surveyors in Slough and Windsor, to find out more please call us on 01753 850304 or email info@surveyorsslough.co.uk